Radha Mohan 24th April 2024 Written Episode Update

Radha Mohan 24th April 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on Telly Updates, Radha Mohan 24 April 2024 Written Update Of Latest Today Episode And Up Coming Stories And Spoilers.

Mohan while resting on the bed sits up wondering what is happening to him and why is he constantly thinking about Radhika jee, Radhika thinks it is best for her to not meet Mohan jee so she feels she must go away from here, Radhika comes to Yug saying the exams of Manan are about to end so she was feeling to go and meet Dadi in Barsana for a few days, Yug gets worried.

Some time earlier, Gungun says Radha and Papa would meet that will ruin all of their efforts so she tells Ketki and Ajeet they have failed, Mohan standing in front of her says she is telling the truth that she has failed, he walks to stand in front of her which worries Gungun who says even he has failed because he was not able to give her proper teachings, Gungun asks if he met Radhika aunti, Mohan replies he met her and says he has found out everything that she has done, Gungun gets even more tensed.

Radhika while standing is looking at her hand, she says he gave the medicine for this injury but what about those which he gave her seven years ago as they still give her immense pain and no medicine was able to work till today. Radhika thinks of when Mohan blamed her for pushing his father and then locked her in the room vowing to send her to the mental asylum, she then slapped Kadambari so Mohan agreed with their desires saying it is not normal.

Mohan says even Radhika jee was very weird as she was just standing looking in the other direction and did not even turn back, Ketki is relieved that Mohan did not see the face of Radha, Mohan replies she might be ashamed when Ketki asks him what happened, he replies he felt that they were not able to raise Gungun properly and that if she has accidentally hurt someone then must apologize while not hide it, he says she has made three mistakes, first is to drive the car without his permission, he asks her about the age mentioning she is under age and is she allowed to drive the car, he says second mistake is that she hit Radhika jee while the third is that she lied and it is his mistake as he did not teach her to tell the truth saying it is a habit, so they should certainly never lie with the parents who are constantly fixing the problems and Gungun remembers when Radha said it to her so says that Radhika said it to her, Mohan gets shocked asking Gungun is Radhika told her these things when Radha used to say it, Gungun replies these things are very normal and all the elders know it but she neither wants to listen to anything which Radha used to say nor the aunti, she runs away which worries Mohan.

Radhika enters the house and is slowly walking towards the room, Yug comes after her when he is worried seeing her, he slowly rests against the couch saying what has changed between them that she has started lying to him, he wonders what is the reason to lie to him asking what has he not done to her, he gave her respect, love, family and even wealth so he family takes care of her the most in the world, she gets whatever she desires but then why is she lying to him as he just asked her love and support but she is hiding things from him, can he not understand that she is saying she has a headache but does not eat the medicine, Yug says Radhika should never lie to her Yug, he vows to find out the truth.

Mohan is very tensed in the room, thinking he felt he would find Radha in the city while Gungun will get a better future and change for the good but she has become so short tempered, he cannot even understand what is going on with that Radhika as she first slapped Gungun then punished herself, Mohan thinks there is surely something in her as he was remembering, he suddenly stops when Radha hides behind the window, Mohan says he felt that someone was looking at him but there is no one here, Radhika coming out sees Mohan going to sit on his bed, she turns to find Yug standing in front of her and he asks if she is crying, he asks how is it possible and if someone has said anything, Radhika shows the injury when he asks why did she not tell him and so he says he will call the doctor but Radhika replies she is fine, he says she should get the tetanus injection as it might be sceptic, Radhika asks why does he over react on such small things as it is sometimes good to suffer since they must become strong, Radhika asks Yug to come as they must sleep but he says that he will come in a while.

Ketki tells Ajeet and Gungun she felt both Mohan bhai and Radha would meet but she herself kept standing away from him, Ajeet says he knows that Radha would never do anything to hurt Mohan bhai and Gungun as she is not like that and he feels they should let them both meet. Ketki questions if Ajeet has lost his mind as she told him that Radha is the destruction for this house. Sargam wakes up asking why o they all make so much noise as she needs to go to her school, Ketki and Ajeet request her to sleep when Gungun also asks them both to go and sleep.

Radhika lies on the bed after wiping of the tears, Yug comes to sit on his side when he keeps looking at her, he is not able to stop thinking but then finally decides to lie down, he then notices how Radhika is coughing so thinks her injuries might make her strong but make him weak, so he wonders what is Radhika hiding from him because if se does not tell the truth then he would surely get mad, he tries to touch her but is not able to do it so lies down on the bed. Radhika is crying.

Sargam asks Gungun if she is the same Radha whose name they donot have to in front of Mohan uncle, Gungun remembers when she told Sargam that they should not talk of Radha, Gungun says she does not know anyone named Radha but Sargam replies she heard them talking, Gungun goes to lie beside Sargam thinking she needs to find a way to keep papa and Radha away.

Radhika is sleeping when she slowly turns so Yug sees the injury on her hand, he slowly tries to reach for it while staring at Radhika and then holds her hand which he kisses before once again trying to sleep, Radhika opens her eyes to look at Yug who is sleeping while holding her hand, she feels a bit irritated by it so starts removing her hand, she turns to the other side trying to sleep once again while Yug is asleep.

Mohan is still resting on the bed constantly thinking about Radhika and how he met her for the first time in the party, he is not able to stop thinking of their time together and the dance performance, after which he saw the injury on her hand when he went to argue, he sits up wondering what is happening to him and why is he thinking of Radhika. Mohan says she is not Radhika but Misses Kholi and so says it is wrong to even think about her, he says his nature is so flirty but this does not mean he should cross his boundaries.

Yug once again wakes up thinking that Radhika might be feeling the pain in her hand so he wonders what can he do, he holds the hand of Radhika for a moment then tries to find something and after taking the cushion he places her hand over it while sitting against the bed thinking Radhika might be feeling better, he vows to not let anything happen to her until he is by her side so she will never feel any pain because she has her Yug, he thinks no one can love Radhika more then him.

Mohan starts cursing himself saying he should not think about his neighbor when he publishes the religious books but is still doing such bad things, he exclaims she is not even that pretty and wonders what if she is a devil so he turning to his photo asks for some advice but then questions saying how can he do it when he is not Bhagwan so Mohan goes to pray.

Radhika slowly wakes up while Yug is stting beside the bed, she thinks she cannot cross her boundaries because Yug cares for her so much that he was sleeping like this while she is thinking of Mohan jee who neither respected her love nor believed her, Yug wakes up asking her to sleep as he will not let her have any pain so Radhika asks him to come and sleep as she is better.

Mohan praying to Ba Kai Bihari jee questions what is happening to him as he is thinking about his neighbor who is already the wife of Yug and he does not even stop talking about her so he says he is wrong as Ba Kai Bihari jee helps two people meet so he says he has to ask some other Bhagwan, Mohan goes to sit on the couch saying that there is Bhagwan who is the god so he opens the photo of Bajrang Bali jee praying that he should help him stay normal and not go after the women, Mohan starts playing the Bhajan which he is also signing while praying Bajrang Bali jee to help him, he wishes good night.

Mohan is sleeping when his phone rings so he wakes up seeing the notification of party photos, Mohan is very tired so he thinks that Bhagwan was also not able to help him which is he could not get Radhika out of his mind, he decides to see the photos of the party. Mohan is stunned seeing the photo of him with Radhika jee.

Manan while sitting at the breakfast table is looking at the photo, Yug asks what is he doing when Manan replies he is looking at the photo of his mother, Yug asks if it is with him as she only looks good with his father but Manan replies that it is with the uncle M, Yug asks for the photo and seeing it is furious.

Radhika thinks that she would surely meet Mohan jee some day but thinks it is better that she goes away from here, Manan leaves telling his father that he will bring the water bottle, Yug thinks Radhika does not seem good with anyone else but only Yug, he tears the photo in pieces explaining he would not even let the shadow of anyone else on his wife, Yug starts chewing the pieces.

Radhika standing behind Yug is nervous, she slowly walks up-to him when he gets startled, she says she wants to talk about something with him when he apologizes to her, Radhika says today the exams are ending in the school of Manan after which his vacations will start so she was thinking about going to Dadi for a few days, Yug is stunned hearing the suggestion of Radhika.

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